Are you protecting your facility from these threats?

stop smash and grab theft

terror threats

The sad truth is that in today's society, we can no longer take our safety for granted. During explosions in urban, populated areas, glass becomes a deadly force as broken shards fly at high velocities. Security Films can maintain the glazing of a curtain wall during these events, protecting your tenants and saving lives.

Suggested Products--- 8mil and 12mil Security Films

Stop graffiti and vandalism

"Protect what's yours"

Security Films afford tremendous protection from a wide range of threats posed to commercial properties! By protecting the integrity of your windows, security film makes your building a safer place to work.

Security Films hold glass together whether it's been struck by a late night burglar or the impact of a flying object. These super strong, polyester films maintain the curtain wall integrity while the police arrive!

Suggested Products--- 4mil and 8mil Security Film

As vandals target more and more commercial properties, your glass can come under attack from increasingly costly damage--paint, scratches, and more. Graffiti Protection Film puts an invisible layer of protection between these threats and your expensive glazing. We have Graffiti Protection Films that can even stop the new scourge of store front glass--ACID! After an attack, Graffiti Protection Film can be replaced quickly and easily, leaving your property untouched.

Suggested Products--- 4mil and 6mil Graffiti Film